Student playing guitar

An Expression of Individuality

At our school, we believe that feeling comfortable is conducive to working at an optimum level. We have designed a Multiform, which is practical and enjoyable to wear. Uniform items can be coordinated throughout the seasons throughout the school year. During functions and when representing the school, students may wear the alternative formal school uniform.

Uniform Shop

Reddam House Uniform Shop is the school's stockist for uniform items. Please be aware that the onus is upon the customer to make the final decision regarding size, fit etc. before the uniform is purchased. Staff will advise you regarding the correct uniform items for your child. However, please feel free to contact us for additional assistance.

Uniform Shop Hours

MONDAY to FRIDAY: 07h00 – 16h00. The shop is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

We urge parents to clearly label all items of clothing to ensure that lost uniforms can be returned to the owner.

Please note: the shop respects all public, religious and school holidays observed by the school. The above shop hours are not applicable on school holidays; however, the shop will be open on selected days during a school holiday before the beginning of a new term. Please get in touch with the shop directly, or enquire at the school reception desk to confirm opening dates.

Standard Size Range Of Uniform Items


Pre 1-3 Preparatory College
Size: 3-4 to 7-8 Size: 5-6 to Adult Medium Size: 13-14 to Adult
Large Waist 22/56 to 38/97 Waist 24/61 to 44/112


Parents are advised to check the availability of their child’s uniform size before the time of purchase. The manufacturing lead time for any items made with special measurements is approx. 8-10 weeks. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that any made-to-measure uniform items are placed in a timely manner.


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